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Optical and Mechanical Properties of CMCNF-dispersed MMT/CMC-Na Nanocomposite Films: Influence of the Degree of Substitution of CMCNFs
Received:July 02, 2020    Click here to download the full text
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Author NameAffiliation
Li Guanhui State Key Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Engineering, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, 510640, China 
Hou Gaoyuan State Key Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Engineering, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, 510640, China 
Xie Hong State Key Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Engineering, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, 510640, China 
Zhang Dejian State Key Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Engineering, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, 510640, China 
Cui Jinyi State Key Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Engineering, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, 510640, China 
Fang Zhiqiang State Key Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Engineering, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, 510640, China
Key Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Science & Technology of Ministry of Education/Shandong Province, Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences), Ji'nan, Shandong Province, 250353, China 
Abstract:Carboxymethylated cellulose nanofibril (CMCNF) is an effective green dispersant to prepare well-dispersed monolayer montmorillonites (MMTs) in water, thereby facilitating the preparation of a high-performance MMT/polymer nanocomposite film. However, not enough attention has been paid to correlating the degree of substitution (DS) of CMCNFs with the mechanical and optical properties of the final nanocomposite films. In this study, a series of homogeneous monolayer MMT nanoplatelet dispersions was prepared initially using CMCNFs with different DS as a dispersant, and the as-prepared CMCNF-dispersed MMT dispersions were then mixed with sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC-Na) to fabricate nacre-like nanocomposite films with different contents of MMTs through self-assembly. The layered nanostructure and optical and mechanical properties of the as-prepared CMCNF-dispersed MMT/CMC-Na nanocomposite films were investigated, which demonstrated that CMCNFs with lower DS have a positive effect on their optical and mechanical properties. This study sheds light on the preparation of MMT-based nanocomposite films with superior optical and mechanical properties.
keywords:carboxymethylated cellulose nanofibril  degree of substitution  green dispersant  montmorillonite  nanocomposite film
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