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Wet Pressing Models to Reduce Energy Consumption in Papermaking
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Author NameAffiliation
J. David McDonald1,* 1. JDMcD Consulting Inc., Vaudreuil-Dorion, Quebec, J7V 0G1, Canada 
Richard J. Kerekes2 2. Pulp and Paper Centre, the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada 
Joe R. Zhao3 3. Tri-Y Environmental Research Institute, Vancouver, BC V5M 3H9, Canada 
Abstract:Improved wet pressing reduces the need for drying and consequently energy needed in papermaking. Accordingly, it is desirable to optimize wet pressing, but the process is very complex with many interacting variables. It is therefore desirable to employ a mathematical model that accounts for the major variables to estimate the effects of changes in equipment and operating variables. This paper descibes such a model called the Decreasing Permeability Model (DPM). Mill and pilot plant applications over a wide range of basis weights for paper and paper board are described.
keywords:wet pressing  Decreasing Permeability Model (DPM)  papermaking  water removal  rewet  mathemeitical model
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